May Study Club: Simple Tips to Prevent Malpractice Claims

Monday, March 21st, 2016
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Date: Wednesday, May 18, 2015
Time: 6 to 8 P.M.
Location: Omaha Marriott
No CE credit will be provided.

Jerry W. Katskee

About the Speaker:
Mr. Kalskee has been practicing in health care in relation to Malpractice Claims in the Omaha area for more than 30 years. He is a regular speaker on health care topics in relation to “Professional Negligence” and “Dental Litigation” and represents malpractice insurance firms including CNA Insurance Company & Others. His 70% of practice devoted to Litigation and 50% to defense of professionals.

Lecture Full Title
“How to train your dental assistant for a preparation of dental record!! Your Life Depends On It!”

“War stories!! Tales of past dental malpractice cases and board complains.”

Lecture Description:

Dentists may be called upon by a court, police, patients, attorneys or regulators at any time to produce patient records. Responding to these requests involves navigating a legal minefield. Depending on how you respond, you may be at risk of violating HIPAA, state privacy laws, and other laws protecting patient information and records.

In this presentation, Malpractice attorney Jerry W Katskee will offer concrete advice and step by step guidelines on how to prepare for the dental record, handle discovery request, patient requests and other records requests. He will also discuss behaviors with regard to patient records that are most likely to put your practice at legal risk. Mr. Katskee will also be available to answer any questions you may have regarding legal risks to your practice.